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What is MVC?

MVC (Model-View-Controller) is a design pattern used in the software development process and aims to separate functionality, user interface and data management from each other during the development of applications. This structure ensures that the code is organized, easy to understand and maintainable. It is frequently preferred especially in web and desktop applications. MVC consists of three main components:
  1. Model: It represents the data part of the application. It is the layer that performs operations on data, stores them or receives them from external sources (e.g. a database). For example, in an e-commerce application, products, users or order information are managed by the Model. The Model also contains business logic. In other words, it is the Model's responsibility to perform stock control when creating an order or to carry out validation processes in a user login.
  2. View: It is the interface that the application shows to the user. All visual elements such as buttons, texts and tables that we see on the screen are located in the View layer. However, this layer only deals with data display; it does not perform any operations on the data. For example, a page showing the contents of a shopping cart can be defined as a View. The View usually presents data from the Model to the user and directs interactions from the user to the Controller.
  3. Controller: Receives commands from the user, communicates with the Model to implement business logic, and sends results to the View. For example, when a user logs in, the Controller receives this information, performs validation through the Model, and then directs the user to the View to display an appropriate page. The Controller acts as a bridge between the Model and the View, ensuring the operation of the application.

The biggest advantage of MVC is that it offers the opportunity to develop and manage different parts of the application independently of each other. For example, when a design change is required, work is done only in the View layer; during this time, the codes related to the business logic (Model) or control mechanism (Controller) do not need to be touched. This facilitates teamwork and makes it easier to grow the application. It also increases the readability of the code, allowing new team members to quickly adapt to the project.

As a result, MVC facilitates the work of developers by providing order and modularity in software projects and ensures that the application is more sustainable in the long term.